Little progress

Little progress

Dear reader,

Recently, I’ve started working on something. So here’s my recent schedule:

Wake up, freshen up, shower, breakfast: 7 AM-8:30 AM
Commuting: 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Classes: 9:35 AM – 4:35 PM
Working: 5:00 PM – 12:30 AM
Sleep: 1 AM – 7 AM

Also, consider the fact that I’m majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science. There are a lot of assignments and readings to do before class. So because of this, I haven’t been uploading videos on YouTube or going to the gym because they require a good block of time.

Among all, going to the gym was very crucial to me. The realization and constant self-reminder that I hadn’t been going to the gym was eating up at me.

So I started doing 20 pushups right after waking up and 20 pushups right before going to bed. On top of that, I found out yesterday that the gym at my university is pretty good, too. So I worked out there for like 30 minutes during my class break.

Working out for 30 minutes is very little compared to the 1.5-2 hours I used to in my previous regular routine, but it is something.

As I talked about in the issue on the Dynamic Pyramid of Productivity, little progress is still progress.

If there is something that you’ve been meaning to do but you don’t have the full time required for it or if the conditions are not ideal, try doing it only a little bit.

You’ve wanted to read a book but haven’t found a day for it, or you have no few hours to read? You can read for 15 minutes before going to bed, or while commuting, or while having your coffee.

You’ve wanted to work out but you have no time, the gym is too far, and you don’t have the bandwidth to do it? Maybe just do 10 pushups every morning.

Remember: Little progress is still progress and doing something is better than doing nothing.

Anyway, I gotta go.

See you next week!


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