Happiness is a moral obligation

Suraj laughing in a picturesque backdrop.

Dear reader,

This week’s issue is not a tip per se but an idea that holds the power to improve your relationships and ultimately your life.

You’ve already read it in the title, but it is: “Happiness is a moral obligation.”

“But how can it be a moral obligation? I am going through a low point in life, things have been hard. How can I be happy?”

Well, even if you aren’t, you are morally obliged to be happy.

That is because you affect people. Regardless of whether or not you speak to them, you affect the people who are around you.

Our energy influences the energy and mood of the people around us.

This is not a superficial idea. This happens all the time.

When you’re feeling good, you can light up someone’s mood with your energy and smile.

On the other hand, even if someone is having a great day so far, and you interact with them when you’re not in a good mood or if you’re feeling low, you can alter their vibrations.

This will lead to them feeling low as well.

But won’t it be insincere if you fake being happy? A little. But the cons would be better than affecting other people with your low mood.

There are three things you can try:

This is the most effective way to live a happier life and radiate the same energy to others.

If a particular thing, habit, or person regularly gets you low, do something about it. If you constantly do the things that make you feel bad, you are doing this to yourself, nobody and nothing else is there to blame. It’s you.

So cut out the things and people that make you low. If you’d like, write to me and I’ll tell you how you can cut out toxic people from your life.

When you think about the people you love dearly, you just feel good.

Their thought not only encourages you to be the best version of yourself but also lift your mood.

This is super helpful because it helps you get rid of the negative feelings that you have.

When you’re thinking about what good will come out of whatever is going on in your life, you will find something, however small it be, and that will help you at least be neutral in your emotional state.

And then just subtly smile. You will feel better and so will the people around you.

Takeaway: Your happiness is not only a you-thing. It affects others. So be happy, or act happy. Help people around you feel good and as a by-product, you’ll feel good as well.

This week’s question for you: Have you experienced one person’s energy or mood affecting another’s energy?

I’ll write again next week.

Until then, take care, bud.


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