Inputs and Outputs

Inputs and Outputs


Nice to be in your inbox again. It’s been a while.

There’s this metaphor I’ve been thinking about. It’s related to programming, but I’m sure you’ll find it interesting.

So, below is what is known as a function in programming.

Let me break it down for you. We use “def” to define a function, in this case, a function named “growthEngine.” Here, “a, b, c, d” are all inputs (a.k.a parameters) that are passed into the function. Then, in the function, some process takes place, look at “c = a + b” and “f = d * 2.” Then, finally, the function returns “f” as the return value.

Did you notice something here?

We never really used the inputs a, b, c, or d. Sure, there was some processing done with the line “e = a+b+c”, but it was not really useful for our function growthEngine(). That is because the point of this function is to return f, which only requires one input, i.e., d.

The inputs “a, b, c” and the line where they are added to bring “e” is only consuming resources of the computer.

This function is our growth engine. We can put all the time we want into doing all different kinds of things, reading books, clearing emails, following people, and watching YouTube. But if we don’t don’t look at what inputs link to our return value, the thing we care for, we will never actually make meaningful progress.

Pay attention to the things that actually move the needle; spend your time doing those things. Don’t do unimportant things.

Busyness is a form of laziness.

We try to get busy because we feel that we are being productive. Maybe we are, but does that being “productive” actually help you get closer to the goals you’ve set?

Take some time and think about it. And when you do anything, ask yourself:

Does this input play a role in my return value (goal)?

If the answer is no, you know what to do.

I’ll see you next week.


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