Why I quit everything (you should too)

Out limited energy which has to be distributed among multiple things

In this week’s writing, I want to share a mindset shift that made me quit working on most of my priorities including working on my side hustles and growing on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram, all while improving my life and my chances of attaining incredible things.

As I was learning about building an incredible life, most people I looked up to had multiple meaningful projects and sources of income going at once.

I thought that is what I’d need to do as well—work on multiple major projects at once.

So I started improving my health, aiming to grow my presence on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and newsletter subscribers, all at once.

I thought if I focused on all of these things, I’d be able to simultaneously grow all of these things and any of it would take off.

But, but, but.

But that’s where I was wrong.

What I overlooked was the fact that my energy is limited and any of the multiple things that I’m doing could take off if I gave it dedicated effort.

This picture is a better representation of the idea I’m trying to present:

The process we should use to distribute our energy. Not everything at once, but do one thing at a time and then pull one more thing.

The people that I look up to didn’t start all of their great projects and sources of income since the beginning.

They first excelled at one thing and then once that thing was going great or making sustainable good income, they added more things, that too one after another.

So my goal for now is to continue sharing these writings with you every week and up-skill myself.

Once I’m comfortably doing good in my primary goals, then I will take on one additional goal, most probably working on ​my YouTube channel​.

Here’s what I want you to take away from this writing:

Takeaway: If you try to work on multiple projects at once, you won’t be able to give your 100% to any of them. So instead of doing that, at one time, work on one thing only. Once that’s going sustainably well and you feel good about it, take on one more thing.

This week’s question for you: How often do you feel like you want to do this thing but you also want to do this other thing, and that other thing, all at once?

Write me a quick email response with your answer.

I’ll write again next week.

See you then!


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