Read this when you’re low

Read this when you're low

Imagine that this article was written to you by your favorite person. Read this article with that person in mind.

Sometimes, all you have to do is allow yourself to be just human.

I know that you’re trying your best.

You’re trying so hard that you don’t even know what to do anymore.

Yet, being the kind person that you are, you didn’t want to bother anyone with your feelings.

So you kept it to yourself.

You remained the same warm, charming, and beautiful person that you’ve always been.

Even when you’re smiling in a group, you know you’re not really happy.

It’s only when you’re alone that you get to be yourself, properly acknowledge everything that you’re feeling.

When you feel so tired of fighting with everything troubling you for so long.

When you doubt if it’s still worth going on.

When you don’t feel like doing anything.

When you don’t want to get out of bed.

When you almost lose the meaning of being here.

When you just feel so tired of life.

I understand. And I understand it’s hard.

And I know today has been harder than other days.

We think that we always have to keep feeling good all the time. But we all know that’s just not possible.

We are not machines, but yet we treat ourselves as if we were.

Not letting ourselves rest, always working, always trying to improve ourselves, always trying to be better.

We are not machines, we are humans.

Sometimes in life, we reach our limits, even though that limit may increase later, for the moment, we reach our limits sometimes.

When that happens, we feel disappointed with ourselves because we aren’t working as hard as we used to.

And that’s what society and social media have taught us. But they’re missing something very important, and that is:

Let yourself be human. Let yourself fall. Let yourself cry. Let yourself rest.

It’s time for you to clear your mind.

It’s time for you to just be, and only be.

Maybe this is the thing you need.

Maybe this is the thing you’ve been praying for all this time, and it’s time you give yourself that opportunity.

Just for today, let yourself be human. Let yourself feel.

If you need to cry, cry then. Cry all you need. Cry all you haven’t cried during the past days, months, or years.

We as humans need to disconnect ourselves from everything from time to time.

So just for today, don’t bother connecting with anything. Not even with yourself. Not even with your thoughts. Disconnect yourself.

You, by doing this just for one day, will not affect your life at all. So allow yourself to feel and disconnect from everything.

I can assure you that everything you are worried about if it’s going to come to you or not, will come to you. There’s no doubt in that. You’ve worked so hard for it all this time.

But just for today, let yourself just exist.

And you’ll discover a part of yourself you didn’t know was there.

And it will be beautiful, I can tell you that.

We will get through this together. I will be doing the same today as well, by your side.

Everything will be fine.

Everything is fine.

Just, for a moment, let’s let ourselves be what we want to be: humans.

There’s no two line takeaway or question for this week.

Just be, my friend.

Just be.

I’ll write again next week.

See you then!


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